Due the worldwide pandemic spread of the novel coronavirus, Estonian Government has implemented restrictions of the crossing of the border for the purpose of entering Estonia. Rules of entering Estonia are described in Government order no 169, text of the order in English is available here.
Estonian Embassy in Kyiv wants to draw applicants’ attention to the fact that accepting a visa application and issuing a visa does not mean that applicant can actually travel to Estonia, but person must have, in addition to a visa, also right to enter Estonia. Detailed information about rules and conditions of entering Estonia under present circumstances can be found on the website of Estonian Police and Border Guard Board www.politsei.ee.
Applicant must confirm during lodging an application that he or she is aware that beside visa also right to enter Estonia is needed to travel to Estonia and that applicant is personally responsible for any financial expenses he or she might have.
A long-stay visa may be issued for single or multiple entries into Estonia with a period of validity up to twelve months and with the period of stay more then 90 days up to 365 days. The maximum possible stay in Estonia with a D-visa is 548 days in a 2 year period.
NB! Check the validity of your registration of short-term employment in Estonia HERE.
Documents to be submitted upon application for D-visa:
Book an appointment at the Embassy HERE.
In Estonian Embassy in Kyiv following third-country nationals can apply for D-visa:
More information about Estonian long-stay (D) visas can be found HERE.
The state fee can be paid by card at the Estonian Embassy in Kyiv or to the bank accounts in Estonia (payee the MINISTRY OF FINANCE):
Reference number: 2900073630
Clarification of the payment: Review of visa application (Full name of the applicant)